
About Orinda Shoe Service

We started as a family owned shoe repair shop in 1952 that has since been passed down through the generations. We offer the highest quality shoe and leather repair services in the San Francisco Bay Area, due to our quality Italian, German, and French materials and our commitment to excellent service and attention to detail. We specialize in high end shoe repair at an affordable price and use Superprime Italian and JR Rendenbach German soles and heels, the best there is. We can goodyear stitch and can repair almost anything that is thrown at us, often times to a level higher than that of the factory. We also specialize in hand stitched welting, a technique that hardly any other repair shops offer.

About Orinda Shoes

Having been an official Alden Retailer since the early 90s, in 2014 we decided to expand by opening a retail boutique next door to our shoe repair shop. We still sell most of the Alden collection, including many harder to find models, but have also expanded by offering an extensive selection of designer shoes at up to 70% off retail. We carry many brands of shoes, bags and belts, for both men and women, such as Bally, Ferragamo, Testoni, Manohlo Blanik, Lambertson Truex, Rupert Sanderson, and many more.

behind the scenes

Our good friends at Bay Area By Hand created a video for us featuring some behind-the-scenes work in our shop and personal experiences. You can use this link here to watch: